We share free of charge our e-books, infographics and video materials helping you to understand better complicated legal frame work and procedures related to the intellectual property protection.
Our resources are prepared for individuals, companies and institutions interested in gathering knowledge about intellectual property, how to protect it and to understand which right does belong to the proprietor.
Besides this, our resources are also for individuals and companies and other entities interested in monetizing their intellectual property, especially for ones who look for patent licensing, protection of their own works and ideas but also ones who look how to protect their businesses from competitors.
Are you interested in?
You can download e-books, infographics, our sample reports , you can access our blog or you can contact us for consulatation
E-books and sample reports:
PATENT PROJEKT Ltd shares free of charge knowledge how to protect ideas, inventions, trademarks and industrial design.
Up to now our e-books were downloaded by more than 10.000 individuals, inventors, entrepreneurs, companies and institutions
Download our e-books and use our experience and knowledge to protect your ideas or your business or just simply inform yourself how to protect an invention, trademark, patent or industrial design.
Here you can also find samples of our reports and othere interesting information.
In Croatian only:
E-book – Kako zaštititi ideju u 7 koraka

In Croatian only:
E-book – Kojim putem krenuti – pitanja za izumitelja

In Croatian only:
E-book – Komercijalizacija izuma u 10 koraka

In Croatian only:
E-book – Kako zaštititi žig u 4 koraka

In Croatian only:
E-book – Kako zaštititi industrijski dizajn u 5 koraka

In Croatian only:
E-book – Tržišni potencijal izuma i konkurencija

Infographics – free of charge:
PATENT PROJEKT Ltd shares his knowledge about procedures on protecting intellectual property.
Up to now our infographics were downloaded by more than 10.000 individuals, inventors, entrepreneurs, companies and institutions
Download our infographich, and easy without lot of text, find out more about procedures, risks, threats and opportunities how to protect ideas, invnetions, businesses, trademarks and product designs.
Infographic – 6 greatest myths about patent

Infographic – Industrial Design Within Croatia

Infographic – Patent Registration Within Croatia

Infographic – Trademark Registration Within Croatia

In Croatian only:
Infographic – 6 koraka za inovativni startup

In Croatian only:
Infographic – 10 razloga za zaštitu

Infographic – Registracija žiga u Hrvatskoj

In Croatian only:
In Croatian only:
Infographic: 10 najčešćih pogrešaka u postupku zaštite žiga

In Croatian only:
Infographic : Zaštita izuma patentom u Hrvatskoj

In Croatian only:
Infographic : 10 najčešćih pogrešaka u postupku patentiranja

In Croatian only:
Infographic : 6 najvećih mitova o patentima

In Croatian only:
Infographic : Industrijski dizajn u Hrvatskoj

In Croatian only:
Infographic : Dizajn zajednice u EU (pri EUIPO-u)

In Croatian only:
Infographic :
Usporedba pokretanja vlastitog posla i licenciranja za izum

In Croatian only:
Infographic :
Vodič za zaštitu
intelektualnog vlasništva

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